Source code for restfulgrok.view

from contenttype import YamlContentType
from contenttype import JsonContentType
from contenttype import ContentTypesRegistry
from contenttype import ContentTypeError

[docs]class CouldNotDetermineContentType(Exception): """ Raised when :meth:`GrokRestViewMixin.get_content_type` fails to detect a supported content-type. """ def __init__(self, querystring_error, acceptheader_error, acceptable_mimetypes): self.querystring_error = querystring_error self.acceptheader_error = acceptheader_error self.acceptable_mimetypes = acceptable_mimetypes def __str__(self): error = ('{querystring_error}. {acceptheader_error}. ' 'Acceptable acceptable_mimetypes: ' '{acceptable_mimetypes}').format(**self.__dict__) return error def asdict(self): return dict(error=str(self), querystring_error=self.querystring_error, acceptheader_error=self.acceptheader_error, acceptable_mimetypes=self.acceptable_mimetypes)
[docs]class GrokRestViewMixin(object): """ Mix-in class for ``five.grok.View``. """ #: List of supported HTTP request methods in lowercase. #: Defaults to ``['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'head']``. #: You do not have to override this to disallow any of #: those request methods since their default ``handle_<method>()`` #: implementations responds with *405 Method Not Allowed*. However, #: if you implement other methods, such as TRACE, you need to add them to #: the list. supported_methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'head'] #: A :class:`ContentTypesRegistry` object containing all content-types supported by the API. content_types = ContentTypesRegistry(JsonContentType, YamlContentType) #: Map of request method to permission. #: You should have one (lowercase) key for each request method in #: :obj:`.supported_methods`, or a "default" key defining a default #: permission. permissions = {'get': 'View', 'post': 'Add portal content', 'put': 'Modify portal content', 'default': 'Modify portal content'}
[docs] def authorize(self): """ Called by :meth:`.render` to authorize the user before calling :meth:`.handle`. The permissions required for each method is defined in :obj:`permissions`. :raise AccessControl.Unauthorized: If the current user do not have permission to perform the requested method. """ from AccessControl import Unauthorized, getSecurityManager method = self.get_requestmethod() permission = self.permissions.get(method) if not permission: permission = self.permissions['default'] if not getSecurityManager().checkPermission(permission, self): raise Unauthorized('Not authorized for: {0} requests. ' 'Required permission: {1}'.format(method.upper(), permission))
[docs] def render(self): """ Called to render the view. Uses :meth:`handle` to handle all the logic and :meth:`encode_output_data` to encode the response from :meth:`handle`. """ from AccessControl.unauthorized import Unauthorized try: try: self.authorize() responsedata = self.handle() except Unauthorized, e: self.set_contenttype_header() responsedata = self.response_401_unauthorized(str(e)) except ContentTypeError, e: self.set_contenttype_header() responsedata = self.response_400_bad_request({'error': str(e)}) try: return self.encode_output_data(responsedata) except ContentTypeError, e: self.set_contenttype_header('text/plain') contenttype = self.get_content_type() errormsg = 'COULD NOT ENCODE ERROR MESSAGE AS: {contenttype}.\n\nError\n==================\n\n{e}'.format(**vars()) return self.response_400_bad_request(errormsg) except CouldNotDetermineContentType, e: # Note that we need to wrap both because set_contenttype_header # uses get_content_type, which can raise CouldNotDetermineContentType. return self.create_response(406, 'Not Acceptable', e.asdict())
[docs] def get_content_type(self): """ Detect input/output content type. """ if hasattr(self, '_content_type'): return self._content_type mimetype = None querystring_mimetype = self.request.get('mimetype') acceptheader = self.request.getHeader('Accept') if querystring_mimetype and querystring_mimetype in self.content_types: mimetype = querystring_mimetype else: querystring_error = 'No acceptable mimetype in QUERY_STRING: {0}'.format(querystring_mimetype) if acceptheader: mimetype = self.content_types.negotiate_accept_header(acceptheader) if not mimetype: acceptheader_error = 'No acceptable mimetype in ACCEPT header: {0}'.format(acceptheader) raise CouldNotDetermineContentType(querystring_error=querystring_error, acceptheader_error=acceptheader_error, acceptable_mimetypes=self.content_types.get_mimetypelist()) content_type = self.content_types[mimetype] self._content_type = content_type return content_type
[docs] def add_attachment_header(self): """ Adds Content-Disposition header for filedownload if "downloadfile=yes" is in the querystring (request.get). """ if self.request.get('downloadfile') == 'true': filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(, self.get_content_type().extension) self.response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename={0}'.format(filename))
[docs] def set_contenttype_header(self, mimetype=None): """ Set the content type header. Called by :meth:`handle`, and may be overridden. """ mimetype = mimetype or self.get_content_type().mimetype self.response.setHeader('Content-Type', '{0}; charset=UTF-8'.format(mimetype))
[docs] def handle(self): """ Takes care of all the logic for :meth:`render`, except that it does not :meth:`encode_output_data` the response data, and it does not do authorization. This makes this method very suitable for use in tests or custom render() implementations. """ self.set_contenttype_header() self.add_attachment_header() self.response.setStatus(200, 'OK') if self.get_requestmethod() in self.supported_methods: return getattr(self, 'handle_' + self.get_requestmethod())() else: return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def get_requestmethod(self): """ Get the request method as lowercase string. """ return self.request.method.lower()
[docs] def create_response(self, status, statusmsg, body): """ Respond with the given ``status`` and ``statusmessage``, with ``body`` as response body. """ self.response.setStatus(status, statusmsg) return body
[docs] def response_405_method_not_allowed(self): """ Respond with 405 Method Not Allowed. """ errormsg = 'Method Not Allowed: {0}'.format(self.request.method) return self.create_response(405, errormsg, body={'error': errormsg})
[docs] def response_400_bad_request(self, body): """ Respond with 400 Bad Request, and the ``body`` parameter as response body. """ return self.create_response(400, 'Bad Request', body)
[docs] def response_401_unauthorized(self, error='Unauthorized'): """ Respond with 401 Unauthorized, and ``{'error': 'Unauthorized'}`` as body. """ return self.create_response(401, 'Unauthorized', {'error': error})
[docs] def response_201_created(self, body): """ Run ``self.response.setStatus(201, 'Created')`` and return body. """ return self.create_response(201, 'Created', body)
[docs] def get_requestdata(self): """ Decode the body of the request using :meth:`decode_input_data`, and return the decoded data. """ raw_request_body = decoded = self.decode_input_data(raw_request_body) return decoded
[docs] def get_requestdata_dict(self): """ Just like :meth:`get_requestdata`, however, the :exc:`ValueError` is raised if the decoded data is not a ``dict``. """ decoded = self.get_requestdata() if not isinstance(decoded, dict): raise ValueError('Request body must be a dict (mapping of fieldnames to values).') return decoded
[docs] def encode_output_data(self, pydata): """ Encode the given python datastructure. :raise restfulgrok.contenttype.ContentTypeDumpError: If ``pydata`` can not be encoded. """ return self.get_content_type().dumps(pydata, self)
[docs] def decode_input_data(self, rawdata): """ Decode the given ``rawdata``. :raise restfulgrok.contenttype.ContentTypeLoadError: If ``rawdata`` can not be decoded. """ return self.get_content_type().loads(rawdata, self)
[docs] def handle_get(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def handle_post(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def handle_put(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def handle_delete(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def handle_options(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()
[docs] def handle_head(self): """ Override in subclasses. Defaults to :meth:`response_405_method_not_allowed`. """ return self.response_405_method_not_allowed()