Source code for restfulgrok.contenttype

import json
import yaml
import negotiator

[docs]class ContentTypeError(Exception): """ Superclass for :class:`.ContentType` errors. """
[docs]class ContentTypeLoadError(ContentTypeError): """ Raised when :meth:`ContentType.loads` fails. """
[docs]class ContentTypeDumpError(ContentTypeError): """ Raised when :meth:`ContentType.dumps` fails. """
[docs]class ContentType(object): """ Superclass for all content-types for the :class:`.ContentTypesRegistry`. """ #: The mimetype of this content type. Must be set in subclasses. mimetype = None #: Extension for files of this type. Must be set in subclasses. extension = None #: A short description for users of the content-type. description = '' def __init__(self): raise Exception('You can not create instances of ContentType subclasses.') @classmethod
[docs] def dumps(cls, pydata, view): """ Dump ``pydata`` to a string and return the string. :param pydata: The python data to encode. :param view: A :class:`GrokRestViewMixin` instance. """ return pydata
[docs] def loads(cls, rawdata, view): """ Load the ``rawdata`` bytestring and return it as a decoded pyton object. :param rawdata: The bytestring to decode. :param view: A :class:`GrokRestViewMixin` instance. """ return rawdata
json_description = """ Javascript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format with parsers available for most programming languages. The Python programming language has <a href="">native support</a> for JSON. Read more on the <a href="">JSON website</a>. """ yaml_description = """ YAML Ain't Markup Language, a lightweight and easily human-readable data-interchange format with parsers available for most programming languages. Read more on the <a href="">YAML website</a>. """
[docs]class JsonContentType(ContentType): """ JSON content type. Implements both loads and dumps. """ mimetype = 'application/json' extension = 'json' description = json_description @classmethod def dumps(cls, pydata, view=None): try: return json.dumps(pydata, indent=2) except TypeError, e: raise ContentTypeDumpError(str(e)) except ValueError, e: raise ContentTypeDumpError(str(e)) @classmethod def loads(cls, rawdata, view=None): try: return json.loads(rawdata) except TypeError, e: raise ContentTypeLoadError(str(e)) except ValueError, e: raise ContentTypeDumpError(str(e))
[docs]class YamlContentType(ContentType): """ YAML content type. Implements both loads and dumps. """ mimetype = 'application/x-yaml' extension = 'yaml' description = yaml_description @classmethod def dumps(cls, pydata, view=None): try: return yaml.safe_dump(pydata, default_flow_style=False) except yaml.YAMLError, e: raise ContentTypeDumpError(str(e)) @classmethod def loads(cls, rawdata, view=None): try: return yaml.safe_load(rawdata) except yaml.YAMLError, e: raise ContentTypeLoadError(str(e))
[docs]class ContentTypesRegistry(object): """ Registry of :class:`ContentType` objects. """ def __init__(self, *content_types): """ :param content_types: List of content types. Added to the registry using :meth:`.add`. """ self._registry = {} self.addmany(*content_types)
[docs] def add(self, content_type): """ Add the given ``content_type`` to the registry. They are added indexed by their ``mimetype``, so adding multiple content-types with the same mimetype will only add the last one. """ self._registry[content_type.mimetype] = content_type
[docs] def addmany(self, *content_types): """ Run :meth:`add` for each item in ``content_types``. """ for content_type in content_types: self.add(content_type)
def __getitem__(self, mimetype): """ Get a :class:`ContentType` by its mimetype. """ return self._registry[mimetype] def __contains__(self, mimetype): """ Return ``True`` if a :class:`ContentType` with the given ``mimetype`` is in the registry. """ return mimetype in self._registry
[docs] def aslist(self): """ Return list of :class:`ContentType`s in the registry. """ return self._registry.values()
def __add__(self, other): """ Merge ``self`` and ``other`` into a new ContentTypesRegistry, and return the new registry. """ registry = ContentTypesRegistry() registry.addmany(*self.aslist()) registry.addmany(*other.aslist()) return registry def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over all the :class:`ContentType`s in the registry. """ return self._registry.itervalues() def get_mimetypelist(self): return self._registry.keys()
[docs] def negotiate_accept_header(self, acceptheader): """ Parse the HTTP accept header and find any acceptable mimetypes from the registry. :return: An acceptable mimetype, or ``None`` if no acceptable mimetype is found. :rtype: str """ acceptable = [] for content_type in self._registry.itervalues(): acceptable.append(negotiator.AcceptParameters(negotiator.ContentType(content_type.mimetype))) cn = negotiator.ContentNegotiator(acceptable=acceptable) result = cn.negotiate(acceptheader) if result: return result.content_type.mimetype() else: return None